What to eat before your wedding to lose weight?


What to eat before your wedding to lose weight? (Photo by Jennifer Burk on Unsplash)

Most of us would not have ever thought of the word “Wedding Diet” earlier in life, but when the date is set and the cards are sent, it is really a major thought every day. We all believe ourselves to be eating well and healthy and being in shape until reality strikes and this major occasion is in our head. It can be really stressful to see yourself every day, feeling the need to tone down just a bit more to achieve that perfect look, as the days pass by. And you really don’t need any further stress other than the huge life-changing one, so having a well-planned diet is an important part of the preparation on a personal level.

Whether you have chosen a date month later or just weeks, the anxiety would be similar, and every meal would leave you wondering if it is the best thing to have that many calories with the upcoming wedding. It is a special day of life and for most, the most important one and everybody would love to look their possible best. All engaged people share the same concerns. They don’t want to be bloated! They don’t want to tire out easy and be full of energy on the big day.

So, what exactly do we need to keep in mind to tone down some kilos before the special day? We compile a wedding diet for all the anxious engaged people to ease their lives a bit, for there is only complexity afterwards.

1.    Drink Water:

Reading that heading you must be wondering what even is this? But that’s the first major step to lose some pounds. Skip the fizzy drinks, the energy drinks, tone down the sugary drinks and even alcohol. Skip to water for the time being, as much as you can. And actually, try to drink at least four to five litres a day. Besides being a life necessity, water rids your body of toxins, and can even help in controlling hunger and thus your weight. One thing you can do is get yourself a bottle to keep with you all day and make sure to complete seven to nine refills by the end of the day. Eight to ten glasses a day is what most dieticians would tell you, and you can really not do much wrong with water If you cross that line. Just try avoiding to complete the quota for the day all at once and rather complete it the next day, because water poisoning is actually a thing.


2.    Protein Is The Way To Go:

As easy to understand it is, you need to cut out fats from your diet. And while you are at that, cutting on carbs would help you too, although that should be to a little extent. Try to fill up your diet with lean proteins, and vegetables, and try to go nuts for nuts. Nuts and seeds are rich sources of protein and the best thing about piling up protein is that it provides Satiety, that is it keeps your hunger satisfied and along with that all the crazy cravings that come and go throughout the day. The vegetables come filled with water and fibre too, which is even better for your body. The fibre satiates your hunger and the extra vitamins and antioxidants that you get from the veggies are definitely going to make your skin glow, which makes this a plus all in all. And you can even get the veggies for cheap with the best of groceries offers available from Grofers which makes it a perfect deal from all sides considered.


3.    Choose the Fruits and Veggies Smartly:

What to eat before your wedding to lose weight

Photo by Jannis Brandt on Unsplash

While it’s the most common advice to fill up your diet with fruits and veggies when you are looking to lose weight, it is an important decision to stock up on the best options in the run-up to the wedding. While not such common here, it would be really great if you could get your hands on some Avocados, and online grocery sites with their attractive groceries offers might lend a hand in that. The fruit is very rich in fibre and potassium, and potassium is your best friend at this time. Potassium helps a lot in shedding off that weight, that is in debloating, and that’s not all, Avocados have some of the healthier fats which would keep you from hunger. You can also stock up on Vitamin C rich Citrus fruits, which produce Carnitine, which burns down body fat for energy. Papaya is also a great choice, as it is highly filling and has special enzymes which speed up the breaking down of proteins, which speeds up their digestion. A bit of pineapple every day or two would also help in toning down your body and also makes up for a delicious meal.


4.    Cut Back On The Sugar:

Save all the celebratory sugary treats for after the wedding as you really need to cut back on sugar to steady your body weight and then, in turn, decrease it. Cutting back isn’t as easily done as said, and you would need to keep your mind elsewhere to actually stay away from it. Exercising helps a lot if you can keep it up as not only does it take your mind off the sugar craving but also burns all the weight that you would have gained all thanks to those chocolates, cakes and everything sweet. It is a huge enemy if you’re looking to lose weight, and while the cravings might be hard to handle, you can try substituting it with the natural sugars from fruits, which is another plus for fruits. Try incorporating Pineapple and apples and other fruits with a reasonable amount of natural sugar, although mangoes in excess is also a no-go.


5.    Healthy Bacteria Is Your Friend:

While there are a lot of things to keep in your diet, the most important thing to get rid of the bloat is to keep your stomach fit. Pack up on Yogurts as they contain probiotics, like acidophilus to name one, which is surprisingly a hidden and strong factor in losing weight. Everyone has loads of bacteria in their stomach, that is common knowledge, but what most don’t know is, a bad mix of these in there can cause you to absorb a lot more calories than you should from your meals. A change of bacteria can help you get rid of that belly fat and help in de-bloating your body. If yoghurts are not your thing, try getting a probiotic supplement, to start a change in the balance of the bacteria’s. An increase towards the better bacteria can lead to reliable weight loss and doesn’t even ask you to cut back on much of the other options. It is also good for your digestion and health, as it keeps those pesky digestive problems away, so it is a good measure for your health even in the long run.


6.    Pile Up The Fat Burners:

While peppers may not be a part of everyone’s meal, chances are that they most probably are in yours. And even if they’re not, it would not really hurt you much, but it would surely benefit you a lot if you introduce them into your diet for the upcoming weeks till the wedding. Peppers get their heat from Capsaicin, which makes the body use more calories, even when resting, and that may help a lot for the time being. Studies have shown that even a single chilli pepper can boost metabolism by 23 percent in the short run, which accounts for a lot in your wedding weight loss mission. It can also help in satisfying hunger to keep you away from the cravings which can ruin all the progress you would have made. Try having more of fresh chillies or include more of the Indian seasonings in your meals.


7.    EAT:

Surprisingly that’s the most important thing that you need to do to make sure you lose weight before the wedding. One might wonder that starving themselves might lead to a huge weight loss but they are very wrong, as the body goes into a conservative mode in the short run and instead starts conserving the weight. The weight loss results of starving are only there in the long run and are very unhealthy. So, the best thing you can do is have a full healthy meal and rather feed on the stuff that burns away the fat rather than not eating at all. You don’t need to diet or cut-off from food and try to live off shakes and such. Satiate your hunger with fibrous fruits and veggies to avoid cravings and substitute with healthier items as much as you can in your diet. Plus eating well will keep you well energized for the big day which is also an important item on the Wishlist as the day won’t get any smaller and you need to be ready to keep up with it.


Photo by Kaizen Nguyễn on Unsplash

Those were the items you need to make sure to keep in your diet before that big day comes and to make it a memorable one you need to stay energetic too. There would be a lot of time to fill up on all those cravings and celebratory cakes after the marriage without any worries of looking great so save the good food for the after-marriage food feast with your loved one.



* The above is a guest post

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